Saturday, April 21, 2007

Weed & graass, man

No, this isn't about what you think it is. Or perhaps it is.

In todays Toronto Star there's a great article to celebrate Earth day (here on the balcony everyday is earth day..!) by Christina De Silva interviewing Evergreen about grasses you can grow on your balcony, and native plants that some call weeds, here

I myself have an urge to grow some grass, or shrubbery, but I never though about wild weeds such as milkweed, a great plant to attract Monarch butterflies- something I would love to do. At present I do get some of those lovely purple finches all the way up here, as I try to keep as much dead stuff with seeds as long as I can just for such visitors.

But imagine butterflies. I've been growing Morning Glories and the bees come for them, but seducing the orange & black darlings almost makes me drool like a spider spinning her web. ( not exactly an ideal analogy, but still theamatic, no?)

Jumping over to Wikipedia, it seems milkweed has quite a history of usage for humans- insulation, rubber, repellent, and of course a cure for warts.

I am also picturing the starry puffs alighting themselves from the balcony, and the possible grumblings from my neighbors about me proliferating weeds & contributing to their allergies- a condition from which I also suffer, but chose to generally ignore unless I am in need of a tissue-*sniff* anyone?

Think I'll just plant those free Black-eyed Susan seeds obtained at Canada Blooms from Acorus Restoration instead- but I may change my mind... post-seedling & balcony redecor updates!

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