Saturday, October 20, 2007

A month- wintersown, and a sign off-for now

Ok I've been feeling guilty about not blogging for so long, but after finally catching up on my blog reading (how I love Sage!) I dont' feel so bad, but I do feel left out in the harvest season, as not much came of the balony, but I do feel proud of my seedlings that were sent else where & the bit of harvesting that allowed me to make salsa! Thanks Gramma!

As I am back in school, I'll be honest- I'm prone to distractions and I've learned that having too many interests can be seriously harmful to my achieving goals, such as graduating. I've even pared down my web board activity (hi to anyone in YGGG- boy I miss it there). As winter is coming that means snowboard season and more sewing time, so I'll allow those two distractions for now.

But before I sign off, I want to direct your gardening compass to a way cheaper method of starting seeds(no grow lights!), especially for those of us with limited space- it's called winter sowing, and the folks over at have a fantastic site to help you out- they even offer FREE seeds-(outside of the USA you have to pay $2 for postage, of course).

Now I've been hording all my take out containers for this, and you should too. I'm not sure if I'm actually going to go ahead with it, but we'll see.

Also- if anyone wants info about how to do the balcony drapes, leave me a message-I did make them but for now I'm going to shelve the post.

Thanks for reading. See you- for now ;)

Oh & if you're reading this sat morning & are in Toronto- Foodshare is celebrating their new location opening-, 11 to 3pm, at 90 croatia street (near Dufferin & Bloor)- you should go!