Monday, March 10, 2008

Seedy Saturday- March 15!

Well, I don't know about you fine folk, but as soon as Feb hit I started to gaze longingly at my balcony.

I know, I'm supposed to be aligning priorities, but I just can't help having little fantasies about seedlings.

Snowboarding season is pretty much over, soo, *maybe* I can allow myself this distraction for now..

Well, while I ponder this, why don't you make plans to hook arms with a buddy and swing on over to Scaddington court ( Dundas west and Bathurst-southeast corner) from 10 till 3 this Sat, and wander blissfully around at what I think is the best Spring event in Toronto for seed nerds- Seedy Saturday!

Now, there's pros and cons to going early- early means more food and seed choices, you can attend seminars, later means less people but exhausted exhibitors, but then again you get to sleep in -! You decide..


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Toronto Balcony Farmer said...

ugh- ok- moderation enabled!