Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Confession

Well, have you all been on the edge of your seat, or what?

Now, let me preface all of this by saying- sometimes I learn things the hard way. But I do make it a point to avoid doing a wrong thing twice.

So from this point onward, this post is going to be called

(or, the Shocking Confession of Death & Plantslaughter by Negligence)

Victim #1) The Baby Bok Choi

Now, Bok choi has no place being started inside, despite what the package may say. They grow quickly, and it seems regardless of conditions-literally growing ''like weeds''. In the rush to transfer & "pot up" (adding more soil) the leggy babies elsewhere, quite a few were damaged, beyond the point of recognition..I started to keep track, but the numbers kept going up..I was devastated at my first exposure to murder. I think I have two left...le sigh.

Victim #2) The Hot Peppers & Tiny Toms (co-habitants)
This is when I learned of the dreaded watering from the top syndrome called: (dun dun dun duhn) Dampening off.

I didn't understand why they were still all so tiny, as I was anxious to share them with other gardening fellows. I was starting to feel like a kid with crappy hockey cards to trade. I decided to dig one up, to see what was going on.. only to reveal- it looked like a burnt match stick, right at the soil-line!! A quick jump to the net, and a picture confirmed it- and I had been watering them from above, being a lazy, lazy gardener! Oh, the horror! What folly it was of me to think I could play the role of Mother Nature!

What is dampening off? Basically a fungal infection.

(should any science-y types who may want to correct me please feel free to expound)

Swiftly I deployed all manner of remedies- cinnamon, potting up, and an attempt to keep the soil dry enough to twart the bacteria.... some made it, some didn't.

So, kids, this is what it's all about, really. Learning, and learning from your errors. But this is why I'm posting this- so you can avoid such catastrophes.

Next- adventures in Awnings-make your own balcony shades!

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